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Restrictions on Facebook: Group Memberships, Friend Connections, Invitations, and Account Suspension


Restrictions on Interactions

It’s essential to note the stringent policy Facebook maintains concerning friend relationships. According to this policy, individuals are recognized as friends only when mutual consent is given by both parties. Otherwise, one person remains merely a follower of the other. Consequently, the limitations and penalties imposed vary depending on whether the interaction occurs within pages, groups, or among individuals.

Friend Request Limit: You can send up to 1000 friend requests at a time.
Mass Follow Limit: Beware, exceeding 400-450 follows within 24 hours will result in an account ban, requiring ID verification for unblocking.
Adding Friends to Group Limit (Individual): Restricted to a maximum of 600 adds within a 24-hour period.
Adding Friends to Group Limit (Group): No defined limit for adding friends to a group.
Adding Friends to Page Limit (Individual): Limited to 2000-2500 additions within 24 hours.
Adding Friends to Page Limit (Page): Up to 10,000 friend additions within a 24-hour timeframe.
Joining Group/Page Limit: Capped at 25 joins within a 24-hour period.
Likes Limits: Avoid exceeding 5000 likes within 24 hours.
Page Likes: Around 5000 likes per day; however, some users reported success in reaching up to 10,000 likes without repercussions.
Messaging Limits: You can send up to 150 messages at once.
Forwarding Messages: Limited to forwarding messages to 5 people or groups at a time.

Facebook Bans

Friend Addition Checkpoint: Monitor activity every 30-60 minutes to avoid triggering restrictions.
Inviting Friends to Your Page Limit: Wait for 12-24 hours before sending more invites to bypass limitations.
Inviting Friends to a Page (Page Admin): Allow 24-48 hours between invite rounds to mitigate restrictions.
Inviting Friends to a Group: Exercise caution and adhere to a 12-hour interval between invites; extended block periods may occur if limits are breached.
Ban Duration for Joining Groups/Pages: Expect a ban lasting 2 weeks if restrictions are repeatedly violated.
Posting Limits: Be aware that the first ban entails a 24-hour restriction, followed by 3 days for the second offense, and a week for the third violation.

IP address restrictions and bans

Simultaneous accounts limit: 10 accounts for one IP;
IP-address blocking: 24-72 hours.

New Account Recommendations

For new accounts, it’s crucial to adhere strictly to all action limits. The optimal approach for a new account is to refrain from active promotion initially, focusing instead on building trust by completing the profile and regularly publishing posts. This strategy allows the account to establish credibility gradually before engaging in more extensive promotional activities.

It’s imperative to initiate promotion cautiously and adhere to a structured action plan. Here’s an example timeline:

First 1-2 Weeks of Active Promotion: Limit subscriptions to 10-20 within a 24-hour period.
Next 1-2 Weeks: Gradually increase subscriptions by 10-30 each week.
Second Month: Aim to maintain a steady pace of 50-60 subscriptions every 24 hours.
Subsequent Months: If the account remains unbanned, consider gradually increasing the subscription count to the desired 400-500 per 24 hours.

It’s essential to recognize that recently, new accounts face swift bans, necessitating a cautious approach for prolonged usability. Holding back an account for several months, even up to a year, typically yields the most favorable outcomes. This strategy allows the account to establish a solid foundation and build trust over time, significantly reducing the risk of premature bans and ensuring its longevity.

Getting your account blocked on facebook

Facebook aims to connect people who know each other or are likely to meet in real life, but discourages cross-regional interactions. Their ban algorithm tightens restrictions to combat spam and inappropriate content.

Frequent Reasons for Banning Personal Accounts:

Fake name and picture
False bio information
Using one and the same text in newsletters
Inappropriate or offensive content (read the Community Standards to be aware of the rules)
Changing email or password (fraudulent actions)
Using several accounts.

Frequent Reasons for Banning Commercial Accounts:

Using payment information from one country while residing in another.
Logging into Ads Manager via a proxy server.
Suddenly ramping up advertising activity after a period of inactivity.
Creating numerous ads within a brief timeframe, risking a ban.
Generating a high volume of rejected ads in a short period.
Setting up a new Ads Manager account after the previous one has been blocked by Facebook.

How to Get an Account Unblocked

In most cases, moderators temporarily restrict account access based on the frequency of violations, ranging from several hours to a week for new accounts and up to a month for repeat offenders. Therefore, the initial option is to refrain from using the account during this period and focus on other accounts.

It’s important to note that Facebook typically doesn’t lift blocks before the designated time expires. However, contacting support may yield assistance in lifting the block, albeit with no guarantee of success.

Additionally, there are alternative methods to bypass the block, such as publishing posts on Instagram via a mobile app, allowing for the publication of images during the restriction period.


Facebook’s limits are not set in stone due to frequent changes and individualized calculations. It’s important not to rely too heavily on specific numbers, as they serve more as guidelines to establish your own restrictions.

Getting banned on Facebook is relatively easy, and lifting a ban can be quite challenging. Therefore, it’s advisable to prioritize white hat promotion methods whenever possible.

If you have additional insights or information about Facebook limits and bans, feel free to share them in the comments section to enhance the collective understanding. Let’s collaborate to make this article even more valuable! Also, remember to explore our other helpful guides, such as learning how to embed Google Business reviews on a website.




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