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Don’t Cut Your Marketing Efforts During a Downturn. Here are Six Reasons Why.

Written by Robert Lane

I have a true passion for website and business development. Over two decades of experience planning, developing and implementing state-of-the-art web-based solutions for businesses.

June 9, 2022

We are in the middle of uncharted territory after a worldwide pandemic. There’s no question that life has changed since we emerged from the pandemic. Many businesses have been hard hit, while others are growing, while some exist somewhere in between.

When our lives and our business careers get turned upside down, hunkering down is an inevitable reaction. We are cautious about ensuring our businesses survive the upcoming chaos, so there’s good reason to apportion income and prepare for the worst. We should not feel bad about admitting to ourselves that these responses are natural and sensible.

Marketing concept

We don’t know what the future holds. There are so many things beyond our control at the moment. However, I’d like to offer you the argument that advertising and website design are critical to productivity for now. I wanted to explain why you should make your marketing/website changes a top priority and not a sacrifice. The reality is that there’s no shortage of factors that make now an excellent time to be proactive with your online platforms or seek additional resources for them.

People are spending more time on social media now than ever.

Look at this study, which demonstrates a sharp boost in the age of social media at the moment. This makes sense when you think about it. While everybody can stay home and work remotely, they are also browsing various social media sites and staying in touch with their coworkers and family members. https://www.statista.com/topics/7863/social-media-use-during-coronavirus-covid-19-worldwide/#dossierKeyfigures

You should double down on your social media marketing if you’re currently running campaigns on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. The medium’s power is at its peak, and your competition is holding its breath, providing you with an excellent opportunity to be noticed.

Building a list may be easier than ever right now.

People are now looking for solutions and inspiration wherever they can find it. With these challenges, we’re all looking forward to seeing how life will return to normal. Now is the time to publish content that inspires you and makes your audience look forward to tomorrow.

This may now be the time to set up that fantastic new course, podcast, offer download, video series, webinar, or pillar page that helps your audience navigate their hardships. What a terrific opportunity to launch content that can build your email list, social media following, podcast fans, video subscribers, and any channel where you are building a base.

Both B2B and B2C industry leaders are now yearning for hope and direction. You have a place of unique power that you can create a positive impact on, and when we’ve all made it through this crisis and are continuing our business operations at full steam, we will have been fluent in that. While you press on through these issues, you will be part of a solution that inspires and impacts those around you.

Marketing has no brake pedal. It’s an engine.

In times of turmoil, it may look like marketing is a switch that can be turned on and off with a push or a press of the button, something which we can pause and resume when there is more stability. But that’s not how it works at all. Marketing is a machine that gets going slowly and builds speed the more you add fuel.

If you entirely stop everything, you’ll have to start at zero again and build up momentum from there. If your audience has not heard from you in a while, you will have to double down your efforts to win them back. If your competition does as well during this time, you will need to improve your SEO ranking again.

Rather than completely halting your marketing, it is in your best interest to stay ahead of the storm. Nowadays, your marketing is the most effective investment you can make in your brand name.

Is your content management system ready?

As you consider increasing your presence on social media and online marketing, ensure your content management system (CMS) is in a position to welcome new clients. This may be the time to consider creating a new landing page and streamlining your process.

It’s pointless to increase your marketing efforts once you are unprepared for an influx of new leads.

Businesses are seeking new methods to stay competitive.

While the business sector is sadly experiencing a downturn, it’s not the only field taking the time to take on a new brand image. From breweries to restaurants to retail stores, many B2C organizations are undergoing their rebranding process in response to the coronavirus in many different and bold ways.

On the other hand, B2B companies are less affected, as labor gravitates towards working remotely and maintaining communication with their groups. Zoom is an exemplary instance of this.

This is an ideal time for you to revisit your unique value proposition. What do you offer that no other business can? This is what made your company successful before the advent of the pandemic. How can you bring this original value to your customers even in self-isolation? What creative approaches can you offer to your customers?

Yes, of course, there is negative news out there, but there is also a lot of great information if you take the time to find it.

A recession is the time to increase market share.

No one wants to say “the recession” out loud, but it’s pretty much accepted that we’ll see a recession during and after the current global pandemic. No one truly knows how long the pandemic will last or how quickly it will end – perhaps within days or years. When this takes place, your competitors may well reduce their prices. Use this as an opportunity to increase your competitive edge.

What steps should your brand take during unusual times? You can determine this based solely on your company’s financial situation assessment. You’ll want to consider things like cash flow and spending capacity. However, if it becomes possible and reasonable to continue your marketing or improve it right now, it may pay off exponentially in the months and years to come.

Are you looking for advice on how to proceed with marketing, search engine optimization or social media engagement during an impending economic downturn?

This time can still be very advantageous for your business, and we can help! Get in touch for recession proof marketing services.