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WordPress Page Builders vs Gutenberg Comparison. Which is #1?

Written by Robert Lane

I have a true passion for website and business development. Over two decades of experience planning, developing and implementing state-of-the-art web-based solutions for businesses.

July 16, 2023


Ever wondered which tool to choose for your WordPress site design? Is Gutenberg really as powerful as it claims to be? Or do you need a more advanced Page Builder to create stunning websites? Today, we’re going to take an in-depth look at the top WordPress Page Builders and compare them with Gutenberg. Let’s dive in!

Gutenberg Overview

Gutenberg is the default editor that comes with WordPress. It was introduced with the aim to simplify content creation and make it more accessible. Although Gutenberg is a step forward in terms of design and flexibility, it has some limitations when it comes to creating highly customized layouts.

Page Builders Overview

Page Builders are powerful design tools that allow you to create fully customized layouts and designs with ease. They come with a myriad of features and capabilities that you won’t find in Gutenberg. They have extensive template libraries, a variety of widgets and elements, and incredible flexibility for creating unique and engaging designs.

The History of Page Builders in WordPress

To truly appreciate the impact of WordPress Page Builders, it’s essential to take a step back and understand their history and how they evolved within the WordPress ecosystem.

In the early days of WordPress, designing and customizing websites required a good understanding of HTML, CSS, and PHP. Web developers and designers would spend countless hours coding and testing to create visually appealing, functional websites. This left non-technical users with limited options to create or customize their sites, often relying on pre-built themes with minimal customizability.

The introduction of shortcodes in WordPress 2.5 (released in 2008) marked a significant milestone in the platform’s evolution. Shortcodes allowed users to insert complex HTML and CSS code snippets with just a few keystrokes, making it easier for non-technical users to customize their sites. However, shortcodes still had their limitations, as they didn’t provide a visual representation of the final output while editing.

Wordpress Editor 3.2


The real game-changer arrived with the first generation of WordPress Page Builders. These tools featured drag-and-drop interfaces, pre-built templates, and various content elements that allowed users to create custom layouts without any coding knowledge. This marked the beginning of a new era in WordPress web design, as even non-technical users could now create visually stunning, feature-rich websites with ease.

As the demand for more advanced design capabilities grew, so did the Page Builder market. Many new tools emerged, each with its unique set of features, interface, and capabilities. Today, we have a plethora of Page Builder options to choose from, with powerful tools like Elementor, Divi, Beaver Builder, Thrive Architect, and WP Bakery dominating the market.


Over the years, WordPress Page Builders have evolved and matured, integrating features such as real-time editing, responsive design, advanced styling options, and performance optimization. They have truly transformed the WordPress web design landscape, empowering users to create stunning, highly customized websites with minimal effort.

The journey of Page Builders in WordPress is a testament to the continuous innovation and evolution of the platform, striving to make website creation more accessible and enjoyable for users of all skill levels.

Top WordPress Page Builders

Now, let’s take a closer look at the top WordPress Page Builders and see what makes each of them stand out.

Elementor Page Builder


  • Real-time visual editing with live preview.
  • Extensive widget library with over 90 widgets to choose from.
  • Feature-rich pop-up builder for creating highly engaging pop-ups.
Divi Page Builder


  • Intuitive visual editor with front-end and back-end editing capabilities.
  • Over 800 pre-made templates to kickstart your design process.
  • Powerful split-testing feature to optimize conversion rates.
Beaver Builder

Beaver Builder

  • Effortless drag-and-drop interface for quick and easy design customization.
  • Impressive template library with over 50 professionally designed templates.
  • White-labeling feature for agencies and freelancers.
Thrive Architect

Thrive Architect

  • Built-in conversion-focused elements for better results.
  • Inline text editing for faster content creation.
  • Dynamic content capabilities for personalized user experiences.
WP Bakery

WP Bakery

  • Front-end and back-end editing for complete control over design.
  • Over 200 exclusive add-ons to extend the functionality of your site.
  • Seamless integration with popular third-party plugins.

Unique Comparisons of Page Builders to Gutenberg

Here, we provide unique comparisons between Gutenberg and the top five WordPress Page Builders, highlighting their advantages over the native editor.

Elementor Page BuilderVS

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While Gutenberg offers block-based editing, Elementor takes it a step further with true drag-and-drop functionality. This makes it easier to create complex layouts and adjust them on the fly. Additionally, Elementor’s extensive widget library with over 90 widgets goes beyond Gutenberg’s limited set of core blocks, giving you the flexibility to incorporate more advanced features and elements into your website.



  1. Ease of use: Elementor offers a user-friendly, drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy for beginners to create custom page layouts.
  2. Flexible design options: Elementor provides a wide range of design options, including pre-designed templates, widgets, and elements to help users create a unique website.
  3. Responsive design: Elementor allows users to create responsive designs that look great on all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  4. Third-party integrations: Elementor supports a variety of third-party plugins and add-ons, giving users more options for customization and functionality.
  5. Regular updates and support: Elementor is regularly updated with new features and improvements and offers extensive documentation and support for users.


  1. Price: Elementor’s free version has limited features, and the Pro version can be expensive for some users.
  2. Performance: Elementor can sometimes slow down website performance, especially if many widgets and elements are used.
  3. Compatibility: Elementor may not be compatible with all themes and plugins, which can lead to conflicts and issues with website functionality.



  1. Integrated into WordPress: Gutenberg is the default WordPress page editor, which means it’s integrated into the platform and doesn’t require any additional installation.
  2. Free: Gutenberg is a free and open-source editor, making it accessible to all WordPress users.
  3. Block-based editor: Gutenberg uses a block-based editor, which allows users to create and customize content using a variety of blocks.
  4. Clean code output: Gutenberg generates clean and efficient HTML code, which can benefit website performance and search engine optimization (SEO).
  5. Growing ecosystem: Gutenberg’s block-based editor is constantly evolving, with new blocks and features being added regularly.


  1. Limited design options: Gutenberg’s design options are more limited compared to Elementor, which can make it harder to create custom page layouts.
  2. Learning curve: Gutenberg’s block-based editor can be confusing for some users, especially those who are used to the classic WordPress editor.
  3. Compatibility issues: Gutenberg may not be compatible with all themes and plugins, which can cause conflicts and issues with website functionality.
  4. Limited support for third-party integrations: Gutenberg does not support as many third-party plugins and add-ons as Elementor, which can limit its customization options.
  5. Less user-friendly: Gutenberg might not be as intuitive as Elementor, especially for users who are new to WordPress or web design.

Divi Page Builder

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Divi’s intuitive visual editor allows both front-end and back-end editing, providing users with a seamless design experience that Gutenberg lacks. With over 800 pre-made templates, Divi helps you kickstart the design process and create visually stunning websites faster than Gutenberg’s limited template options. Furthermore, Divi’s powerful split-testing feature is not available in Gutenberg, making it the superior choice for optimizing conversion rates.



  1. Intuitive user interface: Divi’s visual builder offers a user-friendly interface, making it easy for users of all skill levels to create stunning website designs.
  2. Comprehensive design options: Divi provides a wide range of design options, including advanced styling settings, animation effects, and custom CSS control, allowing for highly customized designs.
  3. Extensive template library: Divi comes with a vast library of professionally designed templates that cater to various industries and purposes, making it easy to get started with a visually appealing website.
  4. Mobile responsiveness: Divi ensures mobile responsiveness, enabling websites to look great on all devices without additional coding or adjustments.
  5. Active community and support: Divi has a large and active user community, which means abundant resources, tutorials, and support for troubleshooting and enhancing the user experience.


  1. Price: Divi is a premium product with a yearly subscription, which may be a financial limitation for some users.
  2. Learning curve: The extensive features and customization options can be overwhelming for beginners, requiring a learning curve to effectively utilize Divi’s capabilities.
  3. Performance optimization: Divi’s powerful features and flexibility can sometimes affect website page load speed and performance if not optimized properly.
  4. Lock-in effect: Divi’s custom design elements and modules may not be easily transferable to other page builders or themes, potentially limiting flexibility if switching platforms in the future.
  5. Compatibility limitations: Since Divi is a proprietary page builder, certain plugins or themes may not integrate seamlessly with it, requiring additional customization or troubleshooting.



  1. Integrated into WordPress: Gutenberg is the default content editor in WordPress, providing seamless integration and ensuring compatibility with most themes and plugins.
  2. Block-based editing: Gutenberg’s block editor offers a modular approach, allowing users to easily create and arrange content blocks to achieve desired layouts and designs.
  3. Improved user interface: Gutenberg introduced a modern and streamlined user interface, reducing clutter and providing a clean and intuitive editing experience.
  4. Collaboration and accessibility: Gutenberg’s block-based editing makes it easier for multiple users to collaborate on content creation, while its accessibility features ensure websites are inclusive and usable by all.
  5. Future-oriented: Gutenberg is constantly evolving with regular updates and improvements, promising long-term support and keeping up with the latest trends and standards in web design.


  1. Limited design options: Compared to Divi, Gutenberg’s design options are more limited, with fewer advanced customization settings and pre-designed templates available out of the box.
  2. Transition from the classic editor: Users accustomed to the classic WordPress editor may experience a learning curve and may need time to adjust to the block-based editing approach.
  3. Customization limitations: Gutenberg’s block system may sometimes restrict certain design or layout requirements that demand more flexibility or advanced coding.
  4. Reliance on third-party plugins: To achieve certain advanced functionality or design elements, users may need to rely on additional Gutenberg-compatible plugins, which can introduce compatibility issues or add-ons that aren’t always free.
  5. Moderate learning curve: While Gutenberg is designed to be user-friendly, it still requires familiarity and understanding of basic WordPress concepts and functionality to utilize it effectively.

Beaver Builder

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Beaver Builder’s effortless drag-and-drop interface simplifies the customization process, making it a more user-friendly option than Gutenberg’s block-based editor. The impressive template library with over 50 professionally designed templates far exceeds Gutenberg’s limited offerings, helping you create unique and captivating websites. Moreover, the white-labeling feature in Beaver Builder, which is not available in Gutenberg, allows agencies and freelancers to create custom-branded solutions for their clients.

Beaver Builder


  1. Frontend visual editor: Beaver Builder offers a user-friendly frontend visual editor, allowing users to see changes in real-time as they build their website, making it easy to create and customize designs.
  2. Drag-and-drop functionality: With Beaver Builder, users can easily drag and drop elements onto the page, simplifying the process of building complex layouts without any coding required.
  3. Advanced customization options: Beaver Builder provides a wide range of customization options, including the ability to add custom CSS, control padding and margins, and create dynamic templates, allowing for highly tailored designs.
  4. White labeling options: Beaver Builder offers white labeling features, allowing users to customize the builder’s branding to match their own business or agency.
  5. Third-party integrations: Beaver Builder integrates well with various third-party plugins and extensions, providing users with additional functionality and flexibility for their website.


  1. Price: Beaver Builder is a premium page builder with different pricing plans, which may not be suitable for users on a tight budget.
  2. Learning curve: Although Beaver Builder is user-friendly, new users may still need to spend time learning the interface and exploring the available features.
  3. Over-reliance on shortcodes: Beaver Builder uses shortcodes to render the saved content, which may cause issues if the plugin is deactivated or if content is migrated to another platform.
  4. Limited pre-designed templates: While Beaver Builder offers a variety of templates, the library may not be as extensive as other page builders, requiring more customization or reliance on third-party templates.
  5. Performance optimization: Some users have reported potential performance issues with Beaver Builder, specifically if the page builder is used excessively or if there is excessive use of custom CSS or other add-ons.



  1. Native integration with WordPress: Gutenberg is the default page editor for WordPress, ensuring seamless integration and compatibility with a vast selection of themes and plugins.
  2. Simplified content creation: Gutenberg’s block-based editor streamlines the content creation process, allowing users to easily add and arrange different content blocks for dynamic website layouts.
  3. Improved content organization: Gutenberg offers a more structured approach to content creation, making it easier to organize and manage complex content, such as long-form articles or product listings.
  4. Accessibility features: Gutenberg puts a strong emphasis on accessibility, ensuring that content created with the editor is readily available and usable by a wide range of users, including those with disabilities.
  5. Regular updates and improvements: Gutenberg is continually evolving, with regular updates and improvements from the WordPress community, ensuring long-term support and adoption of web design best practices.


  1. Limited design options: Compared to Beaver Builder, Gutenberg’s design options may be more limited, especially in terms of advanced customization and tailored layouts.
  2. User interface complexity: Users familiar with the classic WordPress editor may find the Gutenberg user interface less intuitive at first, requiring some time to get accustomed to the block-based editing system.
  3. Third-party compatibility: While Gutenberg is compatible with most themes and plugins, some older or less popular extensions may not fully integrate with the editor, leading to potential compatibility issues.
  4. Less flexibility in element placement: Gutenberg’s block system may restrict the precise placement of elements on the page, compared to the more granular control offered by Beaver Builder.
  5. Requires basic WordPress knowledge: While Gutenberg aims to be user-friendly, it still requires a basic understanding of WordPress, such as working with categories, tags, and formatting options, to fully leverage its capabilities.

Thrive Architect

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Thrive Architect goes beyond Gutenberg with its built-in conversion-focused elements, which help you create websites designed for better results. Inline text editing simplifies and speeds up content creation compared to Gutenberg’s block-based editing process. Moreover, Thrive Architect’s dynamic content capabilities allow you to create personalized user experiences, a feature that Gutenberg does not currently support.

Thrive Architect


  1. Advanced conversion-focused features: Thrive Architect offers a range of features specifically designed to boost conversions, such as countdown timers, lead generation forms, testimonial elements, and more, making it an ideal choice for marketers and businesses.
  2. Extensive library of pre-designed templates: Thrive Architect provides a large selection of professionally designed templates for different industries and purposes, allowing users to quickly create visually appealing and functional websites.
  3. Intuitive drag-and-drop editor: Thrive Architect’s drag-and-drop editor offers a user-friendly interface, making it easy to create and customize website layouts without any coding knowledge.
  4. Fast-loading and optimized websites: Thrive Architect focuses on performance optimization, resulting in fast-loading websites that provide a smooth user experience.
  5. Support and community: Thrive Architect offers comprehensive support resources, including tutorials, documentation, and an active user community, ensuring assistance is readily available when needed.


  1. Cost and license restrictions: Thrive Architect is a premium plugin that requires a yearly subscription, which may not be feasible for users on a tight budget.
  2. Learning curve: While Thrive Architect aims to be user-friendly, some users may still experience a learning curve when first using the plugin, especially if they are new to website builders.
  3. Limited flexibility with the theme: Thrive Architect is primarily focused on page building and may have limitations when it comes to customizing the overall theme design, which could restrict certain design requirements.
  4. Potential conflicts with other plugins: In rare cases, conflicts may occur between Thrive Architect and other third-party plugins, which may require troubleshooting or alternative solutions.
  5. Compatibility with non-Thrive Themes: While Thrive Architect can work with any WordPress theme, it integrates best with Thrive Themes, which may limit flexibility if users prefer to use a different theme.



  1. Native integration with WordPress: Gutenberg is seamlessly integrated into WordPress, making it the default page editor and ensuring compatibility with a wide range of themes and plugins.
  2. Block-based editing: Gutenberg’s block-based editing system provides a flexible and intuitive way to create and manage content, allowing users to easily customize layouts and add different elements.
  3. Collaborative editing: Gutenberg enables multiple users to collaborate on content creation, making it easier for teams or authors to work together on website projects.
  4. Accessibility features: Gutenberg puts a strong emphasis on accessibility, ensuring that content created with the editor is accessible and usable by all users, including those with disabilities.
  5. Regular updates and improvements: Gutenberg benefits from regular updates and improvements by the WordPress community, ensuring that it stays up-to-date with the latest web design trends and features.


  1. Limited design options: When compared to Thrive Architect, Gutenberg may have more limited design options, especially in terms of conversion-focused elements and advanced customization settings.
  2. User interface complexity: Users accustomed to the classic WordPress editor may find the Gutenberg interface initially overwhelming, requiring some time to get used to the block-based editing system.
  3. Third-party compatibility: While Gutenberg is compatible with most themes and plugins, some older or less popular extensions may not fully integrate with the editor, leading to potential compatibility issues.
  4. Less granular control: Gutenberg’s block system offers less granular control over element placement and design customization compared to more specialized page builders like Thrive Architect.
  5. Requires basic WordPress knowledge: While Gutenberg aims to be user-friendly, it still requires a basic understanding of WordPress, such as working with categories, tags, and formatting options, to fully utilize its capabilities.

WP BakeryVS

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WP Bakery provides users with complete control over their designs by offering both front-end and back-end editing, unlike Gutenberg, which lacks front-end editing capabilities. With over 200 exclusive add-ons, WP Bakery extends the functionality of your website, surpassing the limited options available in Gutenberg. Furthermore, WP Bakery’s seamless integration with popular third-party plugins ensures better compatibility and a more cohesive design experience than Gutenberg’s standalone approach.

WPBakery (formerly Visual Composer)


  1. Extensive element library: WPBakery provides a vast collection of pre-designed elements and templates, making it easy to create complex layouts for websites without coding knowledge.
  2. Backend and frontend editing: WPBakery offers both backend and frontend editing options, giving users the flexibility to choose their preferred editing interface.
  3. Wide range of customization options: WPBakery allows for advanced customization with features such as custom CSS, margin and padding control, and the ability to create your own element presets.
  4. Third-party plugin compatibility: WPBakery is compatible with many popular WordPress plugins, expanding its functionality and integration options.
  5. Support and documentation: WPBakery provides comprehensive support and documentation resources, including tutorials, video guides, and a dedicated support team.


  1. Learning curve: While WPBakery offers a wealth of features and customization options, it may have a steeper learning curve for new users who are unfamiliar with complex page builders.
  2. Price: WPBakery is a premium plugin that requires a one-time purchase, which may be costly for users on a tight budget.
  3. Backend editor performance: Some users have reported performance issues with the backend editor, especially when working on larger or more complex websites.
  4. Lock-in effect: WPBakery heavily relies on shortcodes, which can lead to a “lock-in” effect. If the plugin is deactivated or switched to another page builder, shortcodes may break, causing content display issues.
  5. Limited compatibility with custom themes: While WPBakery is generally compatible with most standard themes, compatibility issues may arise with highly customized or non-standard themes.



  1. Native integration with WordPress: Gutenberg is integrated into WordPress as the default page editor, ensuring compatibility and ease of use with a wide range of themes and plugins.
  2. Block-based editing: Gutenberg’s block-based editing system simplifies content creation by allowing users to add and arrange content blocks, enabling more dynamic and customized layouts.
  3. Collaborative editing: Gutenberg facilitates collaboration among users, making it easier for teams or authors to work together on website projects.
  4. Accessibility features: Gutenberg prioritizes accessibility, ensuring that content created with the editor is accessible and usable by everyone, including users with disabilities.
  5. Regular updates and improvements: Gutenberg benefits from regular updates and improvements from the WordPress community, ensuring ongoing support and enhancement of features.


  1. Limited design options: Compared to specialized page builders like WPBakery, Gutenberg may offer fewer design options, especially in terms of advanced customization and specialized elements.
  2. User interface complexity: Users accustomed to the classic WordPress editor may find the Gutenberg interface initially overwhelming, requiring some time to get familiar with the block-based editing system.
  3. Third-party compatibility: While Gutenberg generally works well with most themes and plugins, compatibility issues may arise with older or less popular extensions.
  4. Less granular control: Gutenberg’s block system provides less granular control over element placement and design customization compared to more specialized page builders like WPBakery.
  5. Requires basic WordPress knowledge: While Gutenberg aims to be user-friendly, it still requires a basic understanding of WordPress, such as working with categories, tags, and formatting options, to fully leverage its capabilities.

Best Practices for Using WordPress Page Builders

To ensure that your experience with WordPress Page Builders is both productive and enjoyable, consider following these best practices:

  1. Choose a Page Builder wisely: Not all Page Builders are created equal. Research each option thoroughly and select one that offers the features, performance, and ease of use that best aligns with your needs.
  2. Learn the basics: Familiarize yourself with the core features and functionality of your chosen Page Builder before diving into more advanced options. This will help you make the most of your tool and avoid common pitfalls.
  3. Keep it simple: While it’s tempting to use every feature and widget available, resist the urge to overcomplicate your designs. A clean, simple, and intuitive website is more likely to engage visitors and improve user experience.
  4. Optimize for performance: Ensure your website loads quickly and runs smoothly by compressing images, using a caching plugin, and removing unnecessary elements or code that may be slowing your site down.
  5. Test your designs: Regularly test your website on various devices and browsers to ensure that it’s fully responsive and looks great for all users. This will help you identify and fix any potential issues or inconsistencies.
  6. Keep your Page Builder up to date: Regularly update your Page Builder to ensure that you’re using the latest features and benefiting from the most recent bug fixes and performance improvements.

By adhering to these best practices, you’ll be well on your way to creating outstanding websites that leave a lasting impression on your visitors. With dedication, creativity, and the right tools, the sky’s the limit for what you can achieve with WordPress Page Builders!

Join the WordPress Page Builder Community

One of the best ways to learn and grow as a web designer is to engage with the broader WordPress Page Builder community. By connecting with other professionals and enthusiasts, you’ll gain access to valuable insights, resources, and support that can help you take your skills to the next level.

Here are some ways to get involved in the Page Builder community:

  1. Join forums and discussion groups: Participate in online forums, Facebook groups, and other platforms where people share their experiences, ask questions, and provide support related to Page Builders.
  2. Follow industry experts and influencers: Stay up to date with the latest trends, tips, and best practices by following industry experts and influencers on social media, blogs, and podcasts.
  3. Attend webinars and workshops: Improve your skills and knowledge by attending webinars and workshops hosted by Page Builder developers or experienced users.
  4. Contribute to the community: Share your own experiences, tips, and resources with the community. Helping others is a great way to learn, grow, and build relationships with like-minded individuals.

By actively participating in the WordPress Page Builder community, you’ll not only expand your skillset but also form connections that can lead to new opportunities, collaborations, and friendships. So don’t hesitate—start exploring the community today and see where it takes you!

Final Thoughts

WordPress Page Builders have revolutionized the way we design and develop websites. With an array of powerful tools, widgets, and templates at your fingertips, you can create unique, engaging, and high-performing websites without any coding knowledge. By choosing a Page Builder over Gutenberg, you’ll unlock a world of creative possibilities that will truly set your website apart from the competition.

To make the most of your chosen Page Builder, remember to follow best practices, keep learning, and engage with the broader community. With dedication and the right mindset, you’ll be well-equipped to harness the full potential of WordPress Page Builders and create websites that leave a lasting impression on your audience. Happy designing!


Is Gutenberg sufficient for basic websites?

Yes, for a basic website with minimal customization requirements, Gutenberg should be sufficient. However, if you’re looking to create a unique, feature-rich, and highly customized website, a Page Builder would be a better choice.

Can I switch from Gutenberg to a Page Builder without losing my content?

Yes, you can switch from Gutenberg to a Page Builder without losing your content. Most Page Builders offer seamless integration with Gutenberg and allow you to import your existing content easily.

Do Page Builders affect website speed?

While some Page Builders may add extra code to your website, which can impact load times, most of the top Page Builders, like Elementor and Divi, are optimized for performance and have minimal impact on site speed.

Are Page Builders compatible with all WordPress themes?

Most Page Builders are designed to be compatible with any WordPress theme. However, it’s always a good idea to check the compatibility of a specific Page Builder with your chosen theme before making a decision.

Can I use multiple Page Builders on a single website?

Technically, you can use multiple Page Builders on a single website. However, it’s not recommended, as doing so can lead to conflicts, compatibility issues, and increased load times. It’s best to choose one powerful Page Builder that meets your needs and stick to it for consistency and better overall performance.

Additional Resources

If you’re eager to learn more about WordPress Page Builders and further enhance your web design skills, check out these valuable resources:

  1. WPBeginner: A Beginner’s Guide to WordPress Page Builders
  2. aThemes: 15+ Best WordPress Page Builder Plugins
  3. WPExplorer: Comprehensive Guide to Page Builders for WordPress

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