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How to Manage and Track Orders in Prodigy Commerce


As your e-commerce business grows, efficiently managing and tracking orders becomes essential to provide excellent customer service and maintain smooth operations. Prodigy Commerce, a feature-rich e-commerce plugin for WordPress, offers robust tools to help you effectively manage and track orders from your WordPress store. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of managing and tracking orders using Prodigy Commerce.

Step 1: Install and Activate Prodigy Commerce

Before you can start managing orders, make sure you have Prodigy Commerce installed and activated on your WordPress website. If you haven’t done this yet, follow these steps:

  1. In your WordPress dashboard, go to “Plugins” on the left-hand menu.
  2. Click “Add New” and then select “Upload Plugin.”
  3. Choose the Prodigy Commerce ZIP file you downloaded and click “Install Now.”
  4. Once the installation is complete, click “Activate” to enable the Prodigy Commerce plugin on your website.

Step 2: Access Prodigy Commerce Order Manager

After activating the plugin, you can access the Prodigy Commerce Order Manager to view, process, and track orders. Follow these steps:

  1. In your WordPress dashboard, go to “Prodigy Commerce” on the left-hand menu.
  2. Click on “Orders” to access the Order Manager.

Step 3: View and Process Orders

In the Prodigy Commerce Order Manager, you’ll see a list of all orders received on your store. Each order entry provides details such as order number, customer name, order date, total amount, and current status.

To view and process an order:

  1. Click on the order number to open the order details page.
  2. Review the order information, including the customer’s shipping and billing addresses, contact details, and the products ordered.
  3. If the payment gateway you configured is set up for automatic processing, the order may already be marked as “Processing” or “Completed.” If not, you can manually change the order status to “Processing” or “Completed” after receiving payment confirmation.
  4. If the order requires shipping, you can add tracking information once the items have been dispatched.
  5. Use the “Actions” dropdown to mark the order as “Completed,” “On Hold,” or “Cancelled” based on the order’s status.

Step 4: Handle Refunds and Order Issues

Occasionally, you may encounter situations where customers request refunds or have issues with their orders. In such cases:

  1. Communicate promptly with the customer to understand the issue and resolve it as best as you can.
  2. In the Prodigy Commerce Order Manager, use the “Refund” option to process a refund for the order, if necessary. Be sure to indicate the refund amount and reason for documentation purposes.
  3. Keep track of all interactions with the customer and the steps taken to resolve the issue.

Step 5: Export Order Information

Prodigy Commerce allows you to export order information in various formats, making it easier to manage your store’s data. To export order information:

  1. In the Prodigy Commerce Order Manager, select the orders you want to export by checking the checkboxes next to each order.
  2. Click on the “Export” dropdown and choose the desired format (CSV, Excel, etc.).
  3. Save the exported file to your local computer.

Step 6: Use Filters and Search

As your order volume increases, finding specific orders can become challenging. Prodigy Commerce provides filters and search options to help you locate orders quickly.

  1. Utilize the “Search Orders” bar to search for orders based on customer names, order numbers, or specific products.
  2. Use the “Filter” option to narrow down orders based on various criteria, such as order status, payment method, and order date.

Step 7: Monitor Inventory Levels

In the Prodigy Commerce Order Manager, you can also track the stock levels of your products. As orders are placed, the system automatically updates the stock quantity, helping you avoid overselling products.


Effectively managing and tracking orders is vital for the success of your e-commerce business. With Prodigy Commerce’s Order Manager, you have the tools needed to handle orders efficiently and provide exceptional customer service. Regularly review your order list, process orders promptly, and communicate effectively with customers to ensure a smooth and satisfying shopping experience. By staying organized and proactive in managing your store’s orders, you can build trust with your customers and foster long-term loyalty, ultimately contributing to the growth and success of your WordPress store powered by Prodigy Commerce. Happy selling!



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