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Here’s How You Can Improve Your Online Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy

Written by Robert Lane

I have a true passion for website and business development. Over two decades of experience planning, developing and implementing state-of-the-art web-based solutions for businesses.

July 3, 2022

Marketing Strategy

Rather than a quick, one-hit-wonder, learn how to increase your lead count with a marketing strategy consisting of several techniques that include increasing visibility, driving web traffic to your site, and compelling potential customers to see you as an industry leader.

You have a great product or solution with incredible ROI, but you feel like you can’t reach the level of success you’re looking for because of the lack of qualified leads. Poor lead acquisition requires a marketing plan that takes many steps, including building visibility, driving traffic, and positioning your product or service to succeed.

To help you figure out how to build that effective method, RedFlippers can walk you through each stage of building up that catchy strategy through effective content marketing.

What Sets You Apart From Competition?

Before diving into writing content and content creation, you should figure out what differentiates you from the competition to better engage your customers and plan your content and keyword strategy. For example, you might be just one of 15 attorney’s offices in your area, but your law firm specializes in injury cases, while others may focus on divorce or estate planning. Focusing on a service that sets you apart from your competition allows you to use different keywords and unique content than your competitors.

What makes you unique? It could be expert service, flexible payment plans, or specific qualifications. Once you pin down how you may stand out, you have the foundation for your marketing campaigns and your overall marketing strategy.

Use SEO to Improve Search Engine Rankings

Regardless of your business, your customers will constantly be on the lookout via search engines to search for the services and products they need, and you want to be at the forefront of those search results. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a lengthy process, but developing your rankings will pay off immensely. Here are three things that will allow you to improve and improve your search engine rankings and attract more visitors to your website:


Your targeting keywords are the heart of your SEO marketing strategy, and knowing what your audience is searching for allows you to market to them more effectively. You can use Google Analytics or Keyword Explorer to determine how people found your websites. Between the two trending topics on Google Trends and what you want to be found for (e.g., criminal defense attorney ), you can create a list of words to optimize your websites.

Add Location

Unless you run an exclusively online business, you probably serve a specific geographic area. Make sure you enclose your cities in your pages, such as your H1 (the banner headline), title tag, and meta description. Having geographic locations displayed on your website will likely help you appear higher in local or regional results on searches such as “Keyword near me” or “Keyword city.”

Know Your Keyword “Hot Spots”

It is a good idea to write keywords and locations for your main web pages, such as your home page and services page, after which you should utilize them throughout all your pages. One thing to remember is that you do not need to put the keyword inside your copy numerous times – in fact, Google’s algorithms keep an eye out for keyword stuffing, which can negatively affect your site ranking.

Instead, do your best to ensure the term keyword appears in the following locations:

  • H1 “Your Headline”
  • H2 “A variation of your keyword appears in your H2 tags as you develop more details”
  • Title tag and meta description  “the blurb about your page when it comes up on search engines”
  • Your call to action “Add to Cart, Sign Up, Free, etc.”

Creating Content to Build Trust and Authority

Many business owners usually shy away from writing additional content beyond those available on the home page, contact information page, and an about page, but providing content has two huge advantages:

  1. Search engines will regularly crawl your website; if you regularly update its content, your website’s rankings will rise. Furthermore, by boosting the keywords on your website, your rankings will also improve for these keywords.
  2. If visitors find relevant, helpful, and engaging website content, you’ll earn their trust and establish customer loyalty. Even if someone lands on your website because they ask a question your blog answers, they are likely to remember you in the future if they need your services.

If you’re not sure what kind of content to add to your website, here are some ideas:

  • Every service or individual grouping of services should have its page.
  • Create a FAQ page
  • Blogs that post on the theme of the season.
    For example, if you have an accounting company, check out the How to Get Your Business Taxes in Order or What’s the best method to File my Taxes.
  • Every Page Should Have A Call To Action

The moment someone visits your website should not be your last encounter with them. You want visitors to take action in some form, whether calling you to schedule an appointment, downloading a free book to garner subscribers, or filling out a request form, and each page should prompt them to take the next step. That invitation to make a decision is a CTA (call to action). It can be as essential as a button that says “Call Now” or an image encouraging someone to download a free item.

To craft a compelling CTA, you need to tell your visitors exactly what they should do next and provide them with a powerful motivator.

These examples can help in creating a winning marketing strategy!

Whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been in business for a while, Redflippers has an unbeatable marketing strategy for your business no matter what stage you’re in.

Online marketing can be confusing, complex, and loaded with risks. We’re here to help! .